Arthur's Neural Aerobics

This test is to measure your intelligence, your fluency with words and your creativity. In the three years since this test was developed there have been few people who could solve more than half the 26 questions at the first try.

Many however, reported getting answers long after the test had been set aside, particularly at unexpected moments when their minds were relaxed, and some reported answering questions over a period of days.

There's no glitterig prize for solving this challenge, though a Solution Page with your name (and photo?) on it, with perhaps a mention in the next Arthur's Column (hence gaining the eternal respect of your peers) would be suitable reward for the first set of correct answers.


Question: 16 = O in a P Answer: Ounces in a Pound

Now spend sleepless nights with these:

1.   26 = L of the A                        14.     3 = BM (SHTR)
2.    7 = D of the W                        15.     4 = Q in a G
3. 1001 = AN                                16.    24 = H in a D
4.   12 = S of the Z                        17.     1 = W on a U
5.   54 = C in a P of C                     18.     6 = D in a PC
6.    9 = P in the SS                       19.    57 = HV
7.   88 = PK on the KB                      20.    11 = P in a FT
8.   13 = S on the AF                       21.  1000 = W that a P is W
9.   32 = DF at which WF                    22.    29 = D in F in a LY
10.  18 = H on a GC                         23.    64 = S on a CB
11.  90 = D in a RA                         24.    40 = D and N of the GF
12.  20 = R in the TT                       25.    76 = T in a BP
13.   7 = S on a FPP                        26.    10 = GB on a W

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